Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeGamesKyoudai Games Running Three RPG Supplements Kickstarter

Kyoudai Games Running Three RPG Supplements Kickstarter

Kyoudai Games is looking to expand all three of their RPGs, Tunderscape: The World of Aden, Infinity’s Edge, and Tiny Legacies. They’re looking to publish new sourcebooks for each. And instead of doing a Kickstarter for each, they’ve decided to give you all three in one campaign.

From the campaign:

Hello, and welcome to the sixth Kickstarter for Kyoudai Games! We’re so happy to have you here with us, and we hope you’ll like what you see. This is a unique Kickstarter for us, in that it is creating not one but three different books, one for each of our game lines. By combining them together into a single campaign, we thought it would be easier for people to pick and choose what they like and allow us to get those things to you as quickly as possible! So let’s get right into the fun stuff so you can see what we have on offer for you. It’s like a buffet of awesomeness!

Kyoudai Games is proud to have ongoing publishing for a number of different game lines, but we have three that dominate most of our releases: Thunderscape TinyD6, Tiny Legacies, and Infinity’s Edge. The first two use the TinyD6 system, which we have licensed from our good friends at Gallant Knight Games (makers of many magnificent games you should absolutely check out at your first available opportunity), while Infinity’s Edge uses a unique system found nowhere else! 

The goal of this campaign is to produce a new sourcebook for each of those three lines. These books are already written, and the final art ordered for all of them should arrive at roughly the same time as this campaign ends, meaning that these books will go to layout very, very shortly after your pledge is processed, if not slightly beforehand. The books vary from 12,000 to 15,000 words (roughly 40 pages) and will take the form of a 5.5 by 8.5 inch book in full color (for Thunderscape or Infinity’s Edge) or black & white (for Tiny Legacies). At public release, these books will retail for about $6 per PDF and about $12 or thereabouts for a POD. This means, of course, that you are saving money if you pledge and get them here on Kickstarter, which is always something we look for when backing a campaign. If you purchase a PDF, there is no additional charge at all when the Kickstarter is fulfilled. If you purchase a print-on-demand copy, you’ll have to pay shipping (as will anyone who purchases it after, obviously), as well as the print cost. DriveThruRPG’s price calculator currently places that fee at $2.62 for a color book, and $2.03 for a black and white book. Combined with your $8 pledge, that still saves you a couple of bucks compared to the post-release price, and you’ll get it sooner, too!

The campaign’s about halfway to its goal with 11 days left to go.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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