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HomeNewsGames NewsCelebrate 25 Years of Pokémon with Memorable Moments from the Sinnoh Region

Celebrate 25 Years of Pokémon with Memorable Moments from the Sinnoh Region

As we continue our
year-long celebration of 25 years of Pokémon, we’re looking back at memorable moments
from some of the many regions that make up the world of Pokémon. Now we’ve
arrived at the Sinnoh region, which was first introduced in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl before being revisited in Pokémon Platinum. Fans will get a chance to explore the
Sinnoh region once again with the upcoming release of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl—which are updated remakes of the original two
titles—and the all-new adventure, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, which takes a look at the Sinnoh region’s
past. Here are some of the reasons why Sinnoh is worth so many visits!

  1. Stunning Locales

  2. The Underground Scene

  3. Cynthia

  4. Pokémon of a Different Color

  5. The Distortion World

  6. Honorable Mentions

Stunning Locales

One of the most
obvious memorable features of the Sinnoh region is all the beautiful locales
that you travel through on your adventure there. You begin—like many other
Pokémon journeys—in a quaint small town. In this case, it’s Twinleaf Town,
located in the southwest corner of the region. Before long, though, you’re out
in the world discovering all sorts of incredible new places.

From the large,
bustling Jubilife City—home of the Jubilife TV station and the high-tech
Pokétch Company—to the mazelike Eterna Forest, with its dark, calming canopy that’s
broken by occasional beams of sunlight (and which leads to the seemingly
haunted Old Chateau), there’s a wide variety of interesting destinations in

Be sure to visit
the trio of lakes that form a triangle around the borders of the region. Lake
Acuity, Lake Verity, and Lake Valor are nice places to visit, and they also
factor into the region’s history, thanks to their connections with the
Legendary Pokémon Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf.

Yes, Sinnoh has
beauty ranging from the small—like Floaroma Town’s stunning fields of flowers—to
the large—like the mighty Mount Coronet, part of a mountain range that
essentially divides the region in half. So you’re sure to find a few places
that will stay in your mind for a long time.

The Underground Scene

There’s certainly a
lot to see on the surface of the Sinnoh region, but while you’re visiting,
don’t be afraid to venture down below. The Underground is a vast subterranean
network of caves and tunnels that feels like its own separate world. To reach
it, you’ll need an Explorer Kit, which can be obtained from the aptly named
Underground Man in Eterna City.

While exploring
this labyrinthine area, you can mine for useful items and Spheres, a special
currency that’s used in the Underground. Spheres come in a variety of colors,
and you can even increase their value by burying them. By digging into the
Underground’s rocky walls, you might discover a chamber that can become your own
Secret Base to be decorated and personalized.

Thanks to the
Nintendo DS’s wireless communication feature, players are able to interact with
each other in the Underground. You compete against other Trainers by attempting
to swipe a flag from their Secret Base and return with it to your own. There
are traps that can be set to hinder your opponent’s progress, but be
careful—they’re bound to have some set up for you as well. In addition to simply
being fun, competing in this minigame can net you some cool rewards, too.


Of all the people
you meet in Sinnoh, one of the most memorable is the region’s Pokémon League
Champion, Cynthia, who also happens to be the first female Champion in the Pokémon
series. You get a chance to interact with her at several points throughout your
Sinnoh journey before confronting her at the Pokémon League.

Cynthia tends to
pop up during your adventure to share some helpful items with you and to chat
about her experiences in studying ancient Pokémon mythology. In Pokémon Platinum, it’s also revealed that when she was young, she was a Pokémon Trainer
much like you. You even get to meet some of Cynthia’s family during your
adventure. This level of interaction with Cynthia, where we learn about her
interests and backstory, allows us to connect with her in a way we don’t always
get to with Pokémon Champions.

Of course, we also
can’t ignore the fact that Cynthia simply looks cool. She’s sleek
and sophisticated with her stylish black outfit and long, blond hair. Combine
that with her team of powerful Pokémon—especially her trademark partner,
Garchomp—and it’s no wonder that Cynthia remains one of the most popular
characters in the world of Pokémon.

Pokémon of a Different Color

So, you’ve been
enjoying a journey through the Sinnoh region. Your friend has been doing the
same. One day, the two of you decide to compare Pokédexes. “Check this out,”
you say. “I just caught a Shellos yesterday!” Your friend replies, “Cool! I
caught one a couple of days ago. I love having a pink Pokémon in my party.”

But wait a second… Shellos is blue, right? Did your friend catch an extremely
rare Shiny Shellos? Did you catch an extremely rare Shiny Shellos? Or
maybe your friend is a filthy liar who didn’t catch a Shellos at all! Don’t
worry—there’s a simple explanation for the confusion. There are actually two
different variations of Shellos and its evolved form, Gastrodon, living in the
Sinnoh region.

The West Sea form (the
pink one) can be found in the western half of Sinnoh, while you’ll encounter
the East Sea form (that’s the blue one) on the eastern half. The mountain range
that contains Mount Coronet is the natural dividing line between the two halves
of the region, so keep your eyes open in order to catch both forms of these

This is an early
example of Pokémon having different appearances depending on where they’re encountered,
something that would become much more commonplace as the Pokémon series
progressed. Nowadays, we’re used to variations like Vivillon’s many different
wing patterns or the regional forms that have been discovered in the Alola and
Galar regions, but when we first traveled through the Sinnoh region, such
things were a bit of a novelty.

The Distortion World

When traveling
through the Sinnoh region in Pokémon
, you’re liable to end up
in the Distortion World. You’ll venture into this bizarre realm where the
normal rules of time and space do not apply as you pursue Cyrus, the villainous
leader of Team Galactic, whose plan to control the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and
Palkia is interrupted by another Legendary Pokémon: Giratina.

It’s said that the
Distortion World is the creation of Giratina, and don’t be surprised if you
become disoriented as you navigate it. The area is filled with floating
islands, disappearing platforms and obstacles, and chunks of land that will
have you literally climbing the walls. Fortunately, you won’t be alone in this
strange dimension. Cynthia accompanies you as you chase down Cyrus, and you’ll also
get a little assistance from Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf.

This wild, surreal
place is unlike anything we had seen in the world of Pokémon, and it’s unlikely
that anyone who’s made it through will ever forget it.

Honorable Mentions

The game may not be
out until January 28, 2022, but we’re already unable to get Pokémon Legends: Arceus out of our minds. This upcoming release for
Nintendo Switch is set in the Sinnoh region’s distant past, and it follows some
of the earliest adventures in the region as you help to create and complete Sinnoh’s
first Pokédex. Having the opportunity to explore this familiar region while it
was still a vast wilderness is incredibly exciting, and it’s hard to not get
chills when we see the player character standing in a wide-open field
overlooking the majestic mountain in the game’s trailer (which you can check
out on the game’s official site).

We also can’t
forget to mention the Global Trade System, which was first introduced in the
Sinnoh region. The GTS allowed players to trade Pokémon with other Trainers
around the world for the first time. This concept would continue to appear in
some form or another in subsequent regions.

There’s still more
to see on our tour through the world of Pokémon. Check back soon—we’ll be heading
to the Hoenn region next as we continue to celebrate 25 years of Pokémon!

And don’t miss our previous
Pokémon region retrospectives! They’re filled with incredible moments and tons
of memories.

The Galar region

The Alola region

The Kalos region

The Unova region

Source: Pokemon

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